
10 Steps to create, implement, and communicate a performance management system meaningfully

10 Steps to Create, Implement, and Communicate a Performance Management System

At its worst, performance management can feel arbitrary and capricious. At its best, it’s an objective tool to uplift people, give them clarity on the skills they need to be successful, and provide opportunities for learning and growth. It empowers everyone involved. And when team members have learning and development opportunities, they are more engaged at work, and they focus more energy on the work that matters most to your mission.

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bench by a lake - time for reflection

Changing Seasons, Changing Leadership: Leveraging the fall to reflect on our leadership and daily routines

When routines are suspended during the summer — for vacation, lack of childcare, or travel — reflecting on our leadership can seem like the last thing we have time for. But before we restart our usual routines in the fall, doing the hard work of reflecting on our leadership during the summer-to-fall transition can have us challenge our leadership and come out on the other end as a stronger, better leader for ourselves and those around us.

Changing Seasons, Changing Leadership: Leveraging the fall to reflect on our leadership and daily routines Read More »

How do I lead while grieving Katherine's parents walking along a road

Leading in Loss

How do you navigate caring for a loved one who is dying while still fulfilling your role as an organizational leader?

Grief and leadership are usually considered mutually exclusive. Here, I share my experience of loss while being the CEO of a talent management and acquisition consulting company. Can loss be an opportunity to become an even more authentic, creative, and resilient leader?

Leading in Loss Read More »